Thursday, January 12, 2006

In Case You Are Interested...

Ever thought about coming to Japan? Here's two websites that might make your life and your decision easier...and here's my personal quip, so as to avoid this sounding like spam or something - come to Japan, do it, do it, do it...,6722,51093,00.html?navSource=FareSalePromo&linkTitle=FSA04_winterjapan

jeez, we're talking $200 each way, $400 roundtrip...rarely beatable...



Anonymous said...

first one is sold out. second one is "ted" and to osaka. i would rather scoop my eyeballs out with a spoon, stick pickles in the empty sockets, light my hair on fire, saw my right leg off and feed it to a starving eskimo while jumping around singing "oh canada" than fly "ted" ever again.

rdm said...

imagine doing all that while actually flying on ted to awesome would that be...

Anonymous said...

hey, sorry about the phone thing. My boss is being a fucking asshole, because he got his ass kicked for something and is taking it out on me, so I couldn't really talk