Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Identity Issues Resolved

I have recovered my head, sort of, and can now resume regular blog operations. The last few weeks, and at least the next few, have been sort of hectic, dare I say, outright crazy, and I have been all over the country (well, not really, but back and forth, back and forth) and have not had appropriate time for reflection of everything that has happened and everything that I am counting on that will happen. Give me a couple of more days and I shall begin to translate concepts into written words and put them here. Big adventures to describe and even bigger plans for the future. Take care and we'll speak again soon...

Sunday, March 05, 2006

identity issues

hello all!
i'm sorry i haven't written for some time... school responsibilities, social interactions and, on occasion, downright laziness have kept me from fulfilling my blogging obligations. as a matter of fact, i haven't much time right now either, but be assured - a new, detailed post is coming soon. at the moment, though, i'm having something you might call.... an identity issue. i can't, for example, even be sure if this is ME who is writing this! for the smart alecs out there, let me say that i am perfectly sober. but i simply am not really writing this.
done for now! good tidings from this little island. can't wait to see all of you who are coming to see me!
again - detailed post coming SOON!

p.s. just so you all know - the new TOOL album title is "10,000 days". yep, not some esoteric weirdness, but a simple, down to earth phrase. and i'm keeping my fingers crossed - with early rumors of an australian toor date, a japanese visit can't be far behind. i can't believe i might get to see them before walter! :) bye