Friday, August 19, 2005


I had my first (expensive, yet official) Japanese lesson with Fukuda-sensei. It was all the introductory stuff, but it seems like it will be a good thing, because I was actually speaking Japanese with here (and even though it was stuff like "I am Roman. I am from America. I teach English," it was nevertheless a good thing, not to mention the fact that I got to introduce David Beckam to Arnold Sczwh.....gger, and vice versa - pictures of them - which was a jolly good time). In addition, I have truly found at least one hobby for myself for the year - ping pong... I went with one of my teachers to her table tennis club and was just floored by the skill level. Here I had thought that I was ok, but it turns out, compared to these people (even the jr. high school girl I played against) I have no skills whatsoever. The lead guy, Oka-san, has been playing since his jr. high school days (he's now 47) and at one point was number 3 in the prefecture, which would put him in the top 150 players in Japan, not a bad accomplishment for a country big on the sport. Anyway, there's a tournament coming up in November, and I would like to compete, although I will have to train like mad before it comes up (practice twice a week, Wednesday and (ugh) Friday nights). I have to somehow buy shoes (yeah, ping pong shoes baby). I found a site in England that sells size 14 Adidas shoes, but I have not been able to find any elsewhere (any help here would be appreciated). Anyway, it is intense, and I am very excited.

Oh, a piece of pertinent news. Those of you wishing to visit Japan this or next year, I have a rough idea of when the best time for me would be...It should come as no surprise that the best times fall right around school breaks. Again, it is rough, and exact details will become available shortly.

Winter Vacation: December 23rd - January 9th (i.e. there are no classes, teachers still have to come to school, but I can take vacation days at this time) - At this point in time, I am considering a Southeast Asian vacation here (i.e. Thailand, China, Taiwan, Tibet, Hong Kong?????), but let me know if anyone is up for coming out during winter.

Spring Vacation: March 27th - April 4th (ideal time for people to come out)

Golden Week: May 1st - May 5th (technically, the whole week is not a vacation, but I can maybe weasel some time here)

There you have it...times other than those, I cannot guarantee my presence as a worthy tour guide (of course I will try my hardest, but after all I am a teacher, with a teacher's responsibilities and cannot just take vacation when there are classes in session - please understand that...)

Also, there is alread a confirmed visitor in mid-February as well as March 13-23rd is most likely taken as me and we'll figure something out. I think there are at least three more groups (i.e. The Rosenbergs, the Millers/Birmans/Grinbergs/Airapetovas, and the Marchenko Clan, as well as Smazo/IAK also having expressed interest, and an SW tossed in there somewhere...(ooh, that's a risk isn't it, writing that one?)).

Ok, long enough. Let me know what's up...


Anonymous said...

Hey -

So I call and I hear a Japanese woman's voice on the machine. Roman, please don't tell me they've cut off your teabag and you're speaking fluent Japanese now? Do I leave a message? Answer your phone damnit!

Anonymous said...

Guess what! My spring break is the same week as yours! Week of March 27th.
We'll look for some ticket deals.

Anonymous said...

The best I'm finding right now is about $1200/ticket. Is that good? Is it in the ballpark?

Anonymous said...

who's SW?

Anonymous said...

I tried calling too and had the same Japanese woman thing as Rob. Skype rules

Anonymous said...

the best time for me is around xmas. anybody out there for these dates?

Anonymous said...

1) who's sw (or sweetness, whatever)?
2) if you do decide to go to Hong Kong, I would probably rather join you there than fly to Japan to visit.
3) Where will we all fit?

rdm said...

olya, oh, boy, do i not know the answer to that question or what...i don't know how, but things will work out, oh yes they will damn it, somehow.
sw is an old friend. hong kong eh? sounds tempting and interesting, i realize that plans need to be very far in advance, but i am simply not yet ready to do so now...keep me posted...

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