Saturday, December 31, 2005


To all you wonderful people, happy new year!!! I am sure none of us can believe that yes, it is indeed already (almost) 2006 and that we are about to begin another cycle... but, lets kick it off in grand style, and wherever you may be in the world, whatever you may be doing, whoever you may be doing it with, remember to make TODAY the greatest day of all...

If you get a chance, find a 2006 horoscope online and read it, it will tell you about what the year has in store for you, just for kicks, try to live up to it...

I am writing this from Shibuya, and I wanted to share a bit of something with an individual who goes by the name of Ginza - man, standing at the Ginza 4-chome intersection made me think of you, and realized how great a time we will all have, Japan is a very lovable place...

Again, happy new year...all the best to you.


Anonymous said...

Ginza can't wait to visit the Ginza district, Japan in general, and a great friend in particular.

I hope the new year brings you joy, wisdom and fulfillment with whatever you do.

Anonymous said...

yes, merry new year to you, my friend, and to all who read your magnificent blog. during this year, let's stay away from resolutions and instead just make small, lasting changes. and, roman, do you know where we can get some good sushi in japan?

Anonymous said...

My dear friends, distant acquaintances, and others:
To elaborate on mjk's words -
I wish to you all a year that will make your life a little better, your love for that special someone a little stronger, your body a little more fit, your wallet a bit fatter, your parents and grandparents a bit healthier, and your head a bit more full of fond memories. In a world where everything around us dies and withers away more often than lives and flourishes, stay positive and optimistic.

How strange to see me say those words; those wishes are truly a reflection of my own wishes.
At work people have tagged me as the "optimist", I call it ignorance of the reality of business beaurocracy. I am more pessimistic than a parachute jumper that realizes he left his parachutes in his seat on the plane. But let us all rejoice at 2006,

Anonymous said...

allow me to elaborate on mjk's comment as well. in this coming year there will be a great deal of pain for everyone reading this and everyone not reading this. sharp pain, dull pain, monotonous pain, pain that withers all hope and drains all energy, and, of course, that pain of all pains that is the one we know not of. this last one is always with us, always just beyond our periferal limits. oh and i almost forgot death. death will be all around! there are people dying by the hundreds of thousands every day. so let's make this year also the year of pessimism! a year where we can realize the necessity of darkness and it's holiness.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

shlomo, who's shmolo? ;) magic awaits!